CLUSTER_GET_ALL_SHAPES gives bad query output
2014-10-04 14:01:15 UTC
It seems that the problem described in
is still present. When retrieving the details for a cluster, the
cluster-related attributes are set only for the last member of the
cluster, and normal attributes for that member aren't sent. The normal
attributes for all members should be sent, and I would think the
cluster-related ones should be set for each member, not just the last.
Tamas Szekeres
2014-10-04 16:49:05 UTC
I'm not sure which MapServer version we are talking about. The recent
versions should provide all attributes.
When using CLUSTER_GET_ALL_SHAPES you can use the Cluster_BaseFID attribute
to identify the shapes which belong to the same cluster and Cluster_BaseFID
is in fact the feature ID of the main shape of the cluster.

Post by yeryry
It seems that the problem described in
is still present. When retrieving the details for a cluster, the
cluster-related attributes are set only for the last member of the
cluster, and normal attributes for that member aren't sent. The normal
attributes for all members should be sent, and I would think the
cluster-related ones should be set for each member, not just the last.
mapserver-users mailing list
2014-10-04 20:03:52 UTC
Ah, thanks. I had been using 6.4.1, with WMS GetFeatureInfo.
fixed my main problem. Using a newer version, the attributes for the
last item are again present.
The FeatureCount (Now Cluster_FeatureCount rather than
Cluster:FeatureCount it seems?) is still only present for the last
item in the cluster though. The new Cluster_BaseFID is present for
each item.
Tamas Szekeres
2014-10-04 20:22:01 UTC
That might be true. The aggregated attributes are set only for the main
shape of the cluster. Feel free to submit a ticket for the issue, I hope
that this can be implemented with no performance impact.

Colons have been replaced with underscores which are more xml friendly, but
we might also require to modify the aggregate values (Min:, Max:, Sum:,
Count:) this way.

Best regards,

Post by yeryry
Ah, thanks. I had been using 6.4.1, with WMS GetFeatureInfo.
fixed my main problem. Using a newer version, the attributes for the
last item are again present.
The FeatureCount (Now Cluster_FeatureCount rather than
Cluster:FeatureCount it seems?) is still only present for the last
item in the cluster though. The new Cluster_BaseFID is present for
each item.
mapserver-users mailing list
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started 2006-12-04 18:54:22 UTC